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Oaken Blog
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Have you noticed that the cost of goods has gone up in price recently? From groceries to new vehicles, it seems like everything costs more. This is known as inflation. It’s a natural occurrence, but you can feel it in your budget when your income doesn’t increase at a similar rate.
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It’s been a while since travel was on the table, so the question is, is it safe to travel again and what precautions need to be taken in order to do so.
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I’m turning the big 4-0 this year. It seems like yesterday when I celebrated my 30th birthday with all my closest friends, but a decade has passed just like that.
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Every year I make sure to update my budget in January. Making a few adjustments is usually necessary as the cost of some expenses have likely changed, so I want to make sure that my budget is still accurate.
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We’re more than a year into the global pandemic and some people are struggling financially. Many people have lost their jobs or have seen their hours cut. I saw my income drop by 75% during the peak of the pandemic.
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According to a recent study from Payments Canada, alternative payment methods are gaining traction and the use of cash to conduct transactions is on the decline.
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Having a baby for the first time (or another child) is exciting, but stressful at the same time. You’ll be dealing with a lack of sleep, constant feedings, diaper changes and quite often, a significant drop in income.
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