Click here to view the schedule of the 2024 portfolio statements and annual tax slips.
Protect your deposits
All Oaken GICs and savings accounts are available through either Home Bank or Home Trust Company, both of which are separate members of the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation (CDIC). This means that funds deposited with either issuer are eligible for full CDIC coverage, up to applicable limits. It ensures that your savings are protected in exactly the same way as the big banks, and that you can count on your money being there when you need it.
Learn about safety of your investmentsLearn more about CDIC
For further information, contact CDIC directly at 1-800-461-CDIC (1-800-461-2342) or visit their website at
Deposit register
The following instruments and/or products are deposits eligible for the deposit insurance from Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation, subject always to maximum coverage limitations as outlined in their brochure "Protecting Your Deposits". Provided they are payable in Canada:
Term deposits and GICs
Short-term deposit (non-registered / RSP / LIRA / LRSP)
Guaranteed Investment Certificate (all plans)
Cashable GIC (non-registered)
Other products
High Interest Savings Account
Oaken Savings Account
Registered Savings Account (TFSA, RSP)
Visa* Card Security Deposit
Not directly available to depositor
Suspense Accounts
Unclaimed Cheques
Items in Transit
Are you an existing Oaken customer?
Other ways to open an accountCommercial applications can be downloaded here and mailed to us.
Or if you prefer to make an appointment to apply in person, you can do so by viewing our Oaken store locations. For more information, please email or call 1-855-OAKEN-22 (625-3622) from Monday to Friday 8:00AM to 8:00PM EST and Saturday from 9:00AM to 5:00pm EST.