Click here to view the schedule of the 2024 portfolio statements and annual tax slips.
Meet Foster, our squirrel
He wants everyone to join in on the great savings rates found at Oaken, and encourages Canadians to take control of their financial future. He is intelligent, witty, and sometimes a bit cheeky. But above all, he is undeniably savvy when it comes to the financial world.

A Canadian native, Foster helps deliver our message of better savings to the world, and personifies our down-to-earth, transparent approach.
Of all the animals in the forest, how did we land on a squirrel? Simple. Squirrels are nature's saver. In fact, they're so widely associated with saving, they even have a phrase coined after them: to squirrel money away. Squirrels collect and store all they can because they know winter is always around the corner, and they want to be safe and comfortable at all times. Just like many of our customers.
And why is he called Foster? Well, as a given name, Foster means "keeper of the forest", or "of the woods". Another definition of the word is "to encourage or promote the development of something", and comes with synonyms such as nurture, cultivate, enrich and strengthen. So to put in another way, he fosters knowledge of how to plant for your future.
On top of all that, squirrels are smart, they're quick, they're nimble, they're highly adaptable, they're fun, and they're often found near oak trees. In a nutshell, they embody everything Oaken stands for.
Are you an existing Oaken customer?
Other ways to open an accountCommercial applications can be downloaded here and mailed to us.
Or if you prefer to make an appointment to apply in person, you can do so by viewing our Oaken store locations. For more information, please email or call 1-855-OAKEN-22 (625-3622) from Monday to Friday 8:00AM to 8:00PM EST and Saturday from 9:00AM to 5:00pm EST.